The Civil Experiment

Ep. 2 – The Student Fight for Prison Divestment

This episode is an audio version of a ring article ( titled: following national prison strike, why the UW has continued to buy from prisons) published in the wake of the national prison strike that took place in the summer of 2018. The student-led effort to get the University of Washington to divest from suppliers that employ prisoners for labor started a little over three years ago, and has been going on ever since, every year using a different tactic. But so far, each of those tactics has been met with obstacles set by the UW administration and Washington state law.

The Civil Experiment

Ep. 1: [food justice] the fight over the National Real Food Challenge

This episode follows the multi-year long effort to convince administrators to buy better food for UW. The internal debate from the student senate complicates this further, as some students preached for the need to address the social realities of the food industry, others remain committed to maintaining the scientific integrity of the university.

The Civil Experiment

What is Senate?

An introductory episode to give you the gist of what the ASUW student senate does and what is its role at the University of Washington, and orient you on the overall theme we will explore in the show.