Dawg Tales

Why I’m glad I came to UW :)

Over the course of my time interviewing each of my lovely guests on this show, I asked them all the question, “Why are you glad you came to the UW?” So listen on in if you either, A. hate the university and are looking for reasons to stay, or B. love it already and want to lift your spirit and maybe discover even more ways to feel grateful for being here.  

Dawg Tales


I WANT TO GOSSIP! Yes, it’s my favorite thing! And I bet that even though you may not be as readily willing to admit it, you know you like that crap too, so here we go, let’s hear about the deep and the dirty. JK, it’s pretty PG don’t get too excited, but it’s still real good stuff we got in here, I promise. 😉

Dawg Tales


Long nights. Strained eyeballs. Venti-sized cups of coffee. And inevitably, tears. We must all endure it, as horrid as the task may be. Yes, that is right, I am talking about studying: the one thing keeping myself and probably everyone else from staying in college forever… For this episode we discuss all the difficulties and UW-specific attributes of grinding out some studying. Plus, lucky for you people, I share some SCIENTIFICALLY BACKED-UP tips to ease your worries. So sit back and listen to my beautiful voice as you (let’s be honest) probably sit there and procrastinate. 😉

Dawg Tales

Social Life

Having friends is critical, but making them can be hard, especially at such a large and competitive university such as The UW. But do not fret my dear freshman and fellow dawgs, today we discuss some of the ways to lessen the intimidation of having meet people in college, while coming to find that even the seemingly coolest of college students struggle at times, but it’s all good in the hood and we all find our Dawg pack at one point or another!

Dawg Tales


Left brained or right brained? Labs or essays? STEM or non-STEM? We tend to separate those who study science and tech from the rest, humanities and arts especially, and in this episode we explore this divide through perspectives on both sides. I don’t want to spoil anything but both sides are difficult for their own reasons, and in raising this awareness we come to find that UW is just straight up HARD, and STEM and non-STEM alike, we’re all rad and studious humans.

Dawg Tales

Why UW?

We ask students in this episode, “Why UW?” It’s just really cool to know where people came from, ya know? We all lead such diverse lives before uniting in this strange, wondrous city and somehow, despite these difference, our paths lead us here: to the University of Washington.

Host Billie Featherston is joined by Lucy Cowden and Jayson Haury as they discuss big moves and ending up in places they didn’t expect.